Beyond Vanilla

Leather Education: Leather and Cigars

Cigar lounges the world over are filled with people of disparate backgrounds and opinions, but their passion for cigars transcends politics and other barriers that would otherwise separate them.  Among these enthusiasts are a significant number of Leatherfolx who continue to add to the long history of cigar smoking within the Leather community.  As an

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Contests and Title Holders: Texas Power Exchange (TXPE)

Seeking Contestants! Apply Today!! The Texas Power Exchange Contest (TXPE) is kicking off its inaugural year on October 10, 2020.  Producers Malcolm and Master John are thrilled to be bringing this new contest to Dallas because it embraces such a wide swath of our community and promotes education about the myriad of possibilities in power

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Are you at least


NLA-Dallas members speak openly about adult material which may be inappropriate for minors.