There are a number of reasons why we encourage you to become an NLA-Dallas member. First, by becoming a member, you are taking steps to become active in your local leather community. We have numerous volunteer opportunities which will further help you meet with like minds in the community as well as serving as a steward to the leather lifestyle.

Membership is open to any person 18 years old or older who supports the Statement of Purpose.

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NLA-Dallas Responsibilities

As a member, we request that you:

        • Attend meetings
        • Attend NLA‐Dallas sponsored events and functions
        • Speak to matters brought before the Membership in a reasonable fashion until debate is closed
        • Vote on matters brought before the Membership
        • Bring issues and ideas to the Executive Committee for consideration
        • Attend Executive Committee meetings
        • Nominate candidates for election
        • Run for election
        • Vote in the Annual and/or Special Elections
        • Volunteer for appointed positions

NLA-Dallas Discounts

With membership comes privilege...and discounts! With your membership card, you receive discounts at the following:

Disclaimer: Membership in NLA-Dallas is confidential, and members’ names will not be released, other than to officers of NLA-Dallas without the member’s written approval. Membership may be revoked for any action deemed inappropriate. The decision to revoke a membership will require approval of a two-thirds majority of the members voting, once the member’s right to due process has been exercised.

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NLA-Dallas members speak openly about adult material which may be inappropriate for minors.