Attendees at Beyond Vanilla Online on October 3, 2020, were treated to a smorgasbord of kinky information and fun conversation. A couple of classes had wow moments that got us excited and ready for more. Master TC ended his Negotiation class with a demo that left us all reaching for our fans and praying to our gods the scene actually happens when we are nearby, and Doctor Bubbles and KitKat Ann’s look at Fear Play culminated with a surprise mini scene that clearly demonstrated the difference between surprise and suspense. Beginning our journey in exploring the gender spectrum, Maverick introduced us to some of their friends who showed us unequivocally that one’s parts do not always define one’s gender and that assumptions based on appearances can be way off base. Lee Harrington’s thought provoking exploration of Intentional Relationship Design was interwoven with his signature melange of spiritual appreciation and pragmatic application.
Throughout the day, classes alternated with pre-recorded videos to keep the educational opportunities going. Butterscotch’s enthusiasm for tea service shined brightly as she walked us through her take on tea. Ursus’ demonstration of a bar shine gave us a glimpse into the world of the bootblacking, offering something for those interested in being a bootblack, as well as those who seek out their service. Fred illuminated the world of cigars and cigar service for attendees, information that was later put to good use at the post-event hybrid virtual and in-person Beyond Vanilla After Dark. Before we were off to enjoy our own cigars, though, we were treated to illusions and comedy by the inimitable Hardy Haberman.
Thanks to the Beyond Vanilla committee for producing this wonderful event. I walked away more informed, having met some new folkx, and ready to put what I learned into action. Now I can’t wait for Beyond Vanilla XXX, October 1-3, 2021! Registration is available at – Miss Velvet Steele