
Shrink Rap!

Shrink Rap! (July 2013) Dennis C. Hartzog, M.Ed., LPC Hi! Welcome to “Shrink Rap!” My hope is that this monthly column will be a safe place to discuss issues related to having a safe and healthy Kink/Leather/BDSM relationship. I encourage you to submit any questions you may have, or issues that you would like to

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Shrink Rap!

Dennis C. Hartzog, M.Ed., LPC Hi! Welcome to “Shrink Rap!” My hope is that this monthly column will be a safe place to discuss issues related to having a safe and healthy Kink/Leather/BDSM relationship. I encourage you to submit any questions you may have, or issues that you would like to see discussed to my

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National Domestic Violence Hotline and NLA Dallas DV Team Members Meet!

Authored By: Robin On May 19, a remarkable thing happened: members of the Leather/BDSM/Kink community: Beth, Dennis, and I, met with senior managers of the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Dating Abuse Helpline — and we were welcomed with open arms! A partnership was formed with potentially national impact. Given the historic lack of

National Domestic Violence Hotline and NLA Dallas DV Team Members Meet! Read More »

Are you at least


NLA-Dallas members speak openly about adult material which may be inappropriate for minors.