DVP Report, June 2013 Meeting

Authored by: Dennis C. Hartzog, M.Ed., LPC

I am pleased to announce that I am no longer the NLA Dallas Representative to the NLA-I DVP. The EC voted last Tuesday to have the NLA Dallas Domestic Violence Project continue as an autonomous project of NLA Dallas with me as the appointed Chairperson. All references to NLA-I DVP will be immediately deleted from all activities, presentations, and printed materials of the work being done by the NLA Dallas Domestic Violence Project Team. Malcolm has set aside a dedicated portion of the new NLA Dallas web site just for this important program.

Beth, Rob, and I traveled to Austin on Friday, May 17 and met with the administrative staff of the National Domestic Violence Hotline (a federally chartered project), the National Dating Abuse Helpline, and the Texas Domestic Violence Hotline are all co-located in Austin. It was a fantastic meeting resulting in significant team building and a solid foundation for continuing collaboration. Hotline administrators and supervisors will be coming up to Dallas for a meeting with the NLA Dallas DV Team on Thursday, June 27, from 2PM to 5PM. At that meeting we will be working on development of in-service training for the Hotline supervisory staff.

Beth has been doing a wonderful job on the “Survey on Intimate Partner Abuse Among Practitioners of BDSM/Leather/Kink Lifestyles.” She and I had come up with preliminary survey questions and she has finalized them. She has also asked that the following organizations partner with us on the survey and have a link to it on their websites:

Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance

National Coalition for Sexual Freedom

NLA Dallas

Respectfully submitted,

Dennis C. Hartzog, M.Ed., LPC

NLA Dallas DVP Chairperson

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NLA-Dallas members speak openly about adult material which may be inappropriate for minors.