Welcome to the rebooted NLA-Dallas NewsLeather! This bi-monthly newsletter will introduce you to members of our community, delve into Leather Wisdom, and highlight some of the groups and vendors available to us; plus, every issue will include a calendar of area events for those who want to get further involved.
We encourage our members to share the NewsLeather with friends and family who might find it informative, who might be interested in Leather, and/or who might be interested in joining our NLA-Dallas family. Additionally, we want to hear from you! Have a question or a comment? Send it our way; we will be publishing selected submissions in upcoming NewsLeather editions. Have a talent or hobby? Let us know; we plan to spotlight artists of all kinds in every edition.
Welcome once again! We hope you find the NLA-Dallas NewsLeather to be a welcome companion on your Leather Journey!
The NLA-Dallas NewsLeather Editorial Committee