Male CoChair Candidate – JLubeJack

I’m JLubeJack, a covered Master, throwing my hat into the ring for male co-chair of NLA-Dallas. I’ve been in Leather for 25 years now, coming up on the gay side. I started a Leather Family that has successfully raised money for several Leather projects, is dedicated to education (I’ve presented more than 130 seminars across the US), and which nurtures young Leather leaders. I personally mentor many. I can bring unique skills to the table in helping Miss Debi and the rest of our talented and dedicated EC/Board raise NLA-D to new heights. My entire career was in non-profits, as a paid director on staff and as a volunteer leader for many organizations including the presidency of an international group with a $4M budget — and I’ve been president of two Leather clubs, Leather United Chicago and the Chicago Leather Club. Both remain close to my heart because they, too, had members whose talents and dedication were as exemplary as our Board’s. I’ve worked in NLA-D in many capacities, most recently as Marketing Director, but was also NLA-I Representative I cherish the thought of continuing to work with the Board — and all of you — as we move into the future, working on issues like NLA-I and Fresh (New) Leather. I humbly ask for your vote. (In the interest of transparency two of my family members are involved with NLA-D currently; wanton-maya, Secretary and Mistress Malicia, Member-At-Large. Because I needed to resign Marketing Chair to run for Co-Chair, I am currently not on the Board. None of us are members of DFW Leather Corps.)


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NLA-Dallas members speak openly about adult material which may be inappropriate for minors.