NLA-Dallas Recent Fundraisers – Our Results Are In!!!

Butter Braids Fundraiser:  The recent Butter Braid Pastry Fundraiser was a huge success, thanks to the hardwork and dedication of The Boys – Rusty, Jimmy & Yami. We sold 94 scrumptious items resulting in a whopping $488 profit. Because of this success, NLA-Dallas was able to donate $350 to The Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund (GDMAF) (see Page 6). The remaining $138 will go to our general fund. Again, thank you for your support! 

GrownA__Woman Gets Tickled Pink:  This once-in-a-lifetime fundraising event happened on April 10th. The ingenious GrownA__Woman (all around badass) and the incredibly talented GalateaV (tickle torture teacher extraordinaire) turned this limit-blasting negotiated scene into a money-raising benefit for NLA-Dallas.  After all, who doesn’t love the idea of tickle torture for a great cause?!  Sir Tender held the winning ticket to co-Top in this incredible event.  GrownA__Woman and GalateaV’s selflessness allowed us to raise an initial $290 with raffle tickets and donations, but an unbelievably generous dollar-for-dollar match resulted in a grand total of $580.  GalateaV shared that GrownA__Woman is indeed a true badass!  Unfortunately if you missed it, GrownA__Woman has moved tickling to a permanent hard limit. Thank you beyond measure to all who participated for the love and support that flowed so freely on that unforgettable night!

A huge shoutout to the T.O.P. leadership for allowing us to use their group night which, fittingly, kicked off with a Leather culture panel presentation!

VBW – Veterans, Bike, Wash:  Please mark your calendars for our next awesome fundraiser presented by House Cycle and NLA-Dallas benefitting 22untilnone and Cigars for Warriors!  Saturday, May 29th from 1 – 5 pm at 3129 Erie St, Ft. Worth, TX (the old Underground Cigar Shop.)  Click here for the Facebook info.

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NLA-Dallas members speak openly about adult material which may be inappropriate for minors.