In March, our community spotlight focused on The Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund (GDMAF).  The Boys – Rusty, Jimmy & Yami – spearheaded an NLA-Dallas fundraiser in which we were able to help support the Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund and NLA-Dallas! Because of this success, NLA-Dallas was able to donate $350 to GDMAF.  In addition, a portion of our NLA-Dallas Limited Edition Beyond Vanilla mask sales will be given to GDMAF.

The Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund was named in honor of our friend who died of AIDS in 1994. Despite his personal devastation by HIV, Greg taught us all strength and courage through volunteering at various AIDS organizations and helping those less fortunate than himself. GDMAF works through various AIDS services organizations to provide financial assistance of last resort to those with HIV/AIDS in ways that agencies are unable. Since 1996, GDMAF has assisted over 3,000 clients and disbursed more than $500,000 to meet needs such as rent, medication co-pays, rent or utility deposits and emergency payments to avoid loss of utilities..Each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis with assistance going to those with the greatest immediate need, funding permitted.

GDMAF benefiting agencies:

AIDS Arms, AIDS Services of Dallas, Resource Center Dallas, Health Services of North Texas and AIDS Services of Dallas and Parkland.

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NLA-Dallas members speak openly about adult material which may be inappropriate for minors.