Hello NLA Members:
Last night’s general membership meeting was filled with great information and some tears. We are reminded of so many of the wonderful Leather people who have come before us. What an amazing path we all walk, we are truly blessed.
On the business side, I am sad to report that James, the male co-chair has resigned his position effective immediately. Every one please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, with the recent loss of his Mother, his Sir’s boy, starting a new job, and settling his Mom’s estate life is definitely handing him a lot to deal with. He will be missed. I am thankful for the time he was my Co-Chair, he taught me a great deal.
With that being said, the male Co-Chair position is open for special election. The special election will be held during the December 2nd meeting. If you or any one you know is interested please contact me as soon as possible at debi@nladallas.org. The person must meet our PnP guidelines, be a member in good standing with a minimum of one year as a member of NLA-D.
On a happier note, programs has put a poll out for feedback on what you want to see next year in our classes. We will be starting up our advanced workshops again in 2014.
Fall Frolick is November 22nd through the 24th, come see me in our hat. If you are creative and want to help create it, contact Sir Lacey at lacey@nladallas.org. You can sign up for Fall Frolick at www.FallFrolick.com
Santa and Mrs. Claus will be at the December meeting, come see what they are up to. I hear there is a special treat in store for everyone.
Our Holiday Party is right around the corner. I look forward to seeing everyone. Details will be up on the website shortly.
Thank you to TC and MizLilly for the razor sharp blood play demo in honor of Artemis.
A special thank you to La Lioness for joining us at Tuesday’s NLA meeting sharing with us some very important information regarding the potential legal ramifications of what we do when a loved one is taken from us suddenly.
Respects in Leather,
Miss Debi
NLA – Dallas Co – Chair